We firmly believe in 100 % customer satisfaction. If you are not satisfied with our products that you have purchased, please write a mail to  info@lavishgreen.in.  We will try our best to resolve the issue.

If you are not satisfied with your order or disappointed with the product or service, we would like to know more about your experience.

To initiate the exchange or return any order, please write to (email add), within 24 hours of placing the order

Our team will examine the products returned to verify if the product is in a condition to be exchanged.

All returnable products must be accompanied by the original receipt, a return/exchange authorization number (received from the redressal team), and be in saleable condition. ( Courier costs are non-refundable and need to be borne by the customer)

If the products delivered to you are damaged/ defective, then only we can consider your return request. We may require photo of the damaged product along with bill details.

 Replacement is offered for the product/s sold by Lavishgreen.in ONLY.

Disclaimer: “Any decision on replacement on the product/s sold by Lavishgreen.in is at the sole discretion of Lavishgreen.in and decision of Lavishgreen.in  shall be final and binding. Lavishgreen.in reserves the right to withdraw from replacement guarantee at any time without giving any intimation of whatsoever nature.”

Please note that refund/ return policy is not applicable unless there is any quality defect or difference from the description mentioned.

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